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Thursday, October 7, 2010

God calls people

I don't know how many times i have heard people say that God doesn't work in the modern day world. That miracles, signs and wonders happened it the biblical times, but not today. But here is a newsflash; God is very active. Maybe your just not seeing what he is doing.

I have a friend named Craig. His testimony is one of true power.he grew up with his aunts in a very anti-Christ environment. The thoughts had never been put in his head so he was not influenced to think about God. But one night, Craig had a dream. A dream given by God himself or I am not a Christian. In this dream Craig was on a ship, and the ship sank. Craig was in the water half drowned feeling hopeless and ready to die, but then he saw a boat. A small life raft but in the boat was the brightest light you can imagine. When the boat got closer a hand reached out for Craig and he then saw that the light was Jesus Christ.

Over the next little while Craig fought with his aunts for their difference in theology. They forbid him to practice Christianity and were like fortified walls between him and Christ. Satan fought Craig in one of the toughest ways. The very people he loved were now against him. He had to make a choice.

I am very proud today to say that Craig is currently attending a bible college and is on his way to becoming a pastor.

So you try to tell me the lord doesn't call people. I promise you he does. He is the same "now, then, and forever". Only our skepticism can ever keep us from the truth. God calls people. All of his people. Make sure you are listening when he calls you.