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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The fall of faith

Maybe it is beginners luck or maybe just the novelty of the new, or the excitement of a new life with God, but contrary to what everyone says; the first year is the easiest.
Tell me if this happened for you: you were at the top of your game, the high of life, because your in youth group. You have a group of people who support you and care for you, but then everyone goes there separate ways. College, university, exchange or work. My youth pastor always gave amazing advice, very practical, but not Christian advice. It was good just not God based. So when everyone leaves and your left to stand on your own you see that your not as strong in your faith as you thought. Everyone in my grade twelve year fell. Some a little, some a lot. One of my friends doesn't even believe in God anymore and drinks all the time. Two of them haven't talked in six months over a stupid fight that neither remember.
I fell hard. I stopped going to church, my girlfriend of a year and I broke up, I started smoking again and I gave my virginity to a girl I knew for about two weeks. This "rut" lasted for eight months. One day I finally had enough, I broke up with the girl I gave my virginity to, knowing it was a terrible relationship. I begged God to take me back, but I knew I would have to work long and hard to get back to where I was.
Now I am happy. I am back with my girlfriend of a year (Jessica Clerke) whom I love to no end. I am also stronger with God then I have ever been in my two years as a Christian. I told God I needed something solid to make my faith grow everyday. The next day I was offered a job working with kids at a church called "the water and wine assembly of Christians" and I quit my job at starbucks and took up the first steps on my new walk with God. I knew that this wasn't a short walk, because this time it was forever. I am now one of the strongest christians in my friends group. Because I know I am good with God. Even though Satan fights for me everyday I know he can Never steal me from God again.
We need two things to stay good with God. Think of them as your wings. One is spirit. We need to make our spirit strong, through prayer, worship, however you connect with God. Second is The Word. You need to read your bible. Especially the new testament. Because Jesus came to teach us how to live, but how can we do at if we don't read what he did? We simply can not. Also Jesus is essentially God, so through learning who Jesus was you will better understand who God is.
A bird with one wing will fall and be hurt. As will any Christian that does not strengthen both their wings.

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